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"Smart" axle: Produces a bearing in 20 seconds

Date: 本站原创 From: Internet Browse:905 ADD Date:2022-12-01
Brief introduction: A production line with more than 50 processes requires only six workers at most. After manual feeding, grinding, finishing, sorting, ball loading, cage installation...... A process like flowing water

A production line with more than 50 processes requires only six workers at most. After manual feeding, grinding, finishing, sorting, ball loading, cage installation...... A process like flowing water on the production line automatic completion.

"One bearing in 20 seconds." At the motor bearing branch factory of Harbin Bearing Group Co., LTD. (Jianlong Harbin Shaft for short), taking reporters from the first process of the production line to the end, Jia Qiusheng, deputy general manager and chief engineer of Jianlong Harbin Shaft, finally concluded: "Not only is the speed fast, but the product quality is also high, because this production line is not only automatic, but also intelligent, it is installed with 'intelligent brain'."

The "smart brain" Jia refers to is the MES system. The system is networked with each device on the production line, which can control the production tempo, task quantity, quality process and so on.

"The most obvious thing about Smart Brain is the sorting process. You see the two robot arms selecting the kit, they don't just pick it up, they measure the inner ring and the outer ring, and then, based on memory, they choose the most suitable one to match." Liu Tie, an employee of Jianlong Ha shaft who is patrolling the production line, introduced to reporters that the robot arm will feed back the size to the MES system when it is automatically selected to match the inner and outer rings. If it is found that the inner and outer rings are worn off and cannot be matched, it will promptly "tell" the MES system how to adjust the parameters and re-grind, realizing the self-feedback and self-adjustment.

With such a smart production line, it was unimaginable before the construction of the new factory in Harbin.

"The original axis is a single production, even automation can not be realized, let alone the realization of intelligence." Jia Qiusheng said that on July 30, 2020, Harbin Axle Group Co., LTD., Harbin Axle Manufacturing Co., LTD., implemented the merger and reorganization plan, announcing that this old bearing manufacturing enterprise started the journey of rebirth of feathering. In August of that year, Beijing Jianlong Heavy Industry Group invested 1.04 billion yuan to build a new factory in Harbin New Area, Jiangbei Integrated Development Zone, to upgrade equipment and technology, and to initiate the reform of management mechanism simultaneously.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes. After restructuring, Jianlongha Shaft turned a profit in only eight months. In March 2021, the company achieved a profit of 1,847,800 yuan, ending years of losses.

In July 2021, the first three plants of the new factory were built, and the "new" Jianlongha axis also started the relocation from Jiangnan to Jiangbei.

"After the relocation of the factory, more than 30 new production lines were purchased to replace most of the old equipment of the axle. Automatic production lines and semi-automatic production lines became the mainstream production equipment, and the production efficiency of the shift was increased by more than 70%." Jianlong Axle production management Office director Zhang Dianbin told reporters, from January to October this year, Jianlong axle completed the production of 44.5 million sets, an increase of 82% year-on-year, and three times have broken the record of production, sales revenue. As of October, the sales revenue of Jianlong Axle has reached 560 million yuan, nearly double the year-on-year growth, and it is expected to complete 660 million yuan in the whole year.

In the warm winter sun, the production plant with blue roof and white walls in Jianlong Haaxan Factory is particularly eye-catching. In addition to the three branches that have been completed, the precision bearing branch and the scientific research administration building have also completed the basic construction, and are undergoing internal decoration and equipment introduction.

According to Jia Qiusheng, the precision bearing branch factory mainly produces aerospace precision bearings and robot high-precision miniature bearings, which are the most high-end plate in the international bearing field, and most of the production equipment is specially customized. The 30 million yuan worth of advanced research and development equipment ordered by the scientific Research administration building is arriving one after another. After all the equipment is in place and put into production, Jianlongha shaft is expected to achieve an annual capacity of 50 million sets in 2023, with a sales income of about 800 million yuan, and will stride into high-end bearings.

"Currently MES is only being tested in the motor bearing plant, and our goal is to roll it out throughout the plant." Jia Qiusheng said, from the perspective of intelligent production, the future development direction of the enterprise is ERP order, MPS production task decomposition, into the MES system execution, the intermediate process and PLM research and development system, after all the data through, can fully realize intelligent manufacturing, then a new intelligent axle will break out infinite potential.

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